Monday, September 19, 2016

Are Creators The Biggest Danger To Content?

We've all seen it before.

Some content creator, in try to make something new, better, brighter royally screws it up and ends up with a hot mess hate storm on their hands.

We can see this time and again in recent months. Fans called out Arrow for falling off the high standard they set in Seasons 1 and 2 that all but doomed Season 3 to be lackluster. Sequels almost never live up to the hype of the original. Even my favorite video game, Rainbow Six Siege, is struggling with alienating the original audience to make the game better and newer.

Let's just get a little synopsis of that point and the reasons why it happened.

In recent updates to the game called patches, Ubisoft, the creators of Rainbow Six Siege, have added several new updates to change the play style of the game. Various attachments, changes to the characters in the game called Operators and overall tweaks have caused the game to change from its original idea of a slow methodical tactical shooter that separates its from the regular run-and-gun FPS games like Call of Duty or Battlefield to a faster, more hyper version of itself. The original point of Rainbow Six Siege was that each player could really make their own strategy, to varying success. Rushing into the objective room was an option but not a great one. Some players would peak windows on carry a shield and draw fire and when it worked it seems like the video game version of a symphony orchestra. With the new patches, however, they have made rushing more advantageous which causes the game to feel like its lost its soul. Plus they made my operator suck...why Ubisoft?

That long tangent about my favorite video game and why I feel like its is forever ruined, full melodramatics intended, brings me back to my point. Who is best fit to determine what should happen with a TV show, movie or video game? Should the fandom be heavily consulted or not consulted at all? Does the fandom even help? (Because the blame on the fall of Rainbow Six Siege, in my opinion should be blamed on new players to the game who came from fast FPS games who like the game but wanted it to be faster) Is the fandom just complaining because they have been spoiled with a really good game for too long and is resisting change? Is change a universal good? (if it aint broke, don't fix it type stuff)

If the Arrow fandom had been consulted, maybe season 3 wouldn't have been so bad. Maybe if I has voiced my opinion about my favorite video game then I would'nt spend my nights cussing my TV and slamming my head into the metaphorical brick wall that is Rainbow Six Siege.


I know this sounded like a rant against my favorite video game, but that was really just a personal story to bring my point home. If, however, that really interested you, go back to my last post and click on the blog about Rainbow Six Siege      

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