Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome to The Blog!

Hello, reader and welcome to my blog.

My name is Nate and I have some thoughts that never really all have a similar cohesive topic. Hence the name of this blog.

For starters, let's give you some details on the author, me. I'm a Freshman in college who is currently enrolled in Frederick Community College in Frederick, MD. I'm 18 and I pretty much play out like the typical 18 year old. I play baseball for a local rec team. Also, I am absolutely obsessed with video games. I play pretty much 24/7 and will post about that a lot. Also, I probably will post some about YouTube because I just recently started on YouTube for gaming. Also, topics I will probably cover include Politics, Social Issues, Daily Events, basically anything that's gonna polarize people. Not that I try to polarize people, I'm just drawn to those types of divisive issues.

So, again, welcome to my blog and my first post. Hopefully, you enjoy. If, you're reading this post later and I have more posts. I hope you're enjoying that too and I look forward to you guys enjoying my blog.


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